Wouldn’t business relationships be easier if you had a GPS to navigate customer emotions?

Well, you can with Customer Journey Mapping, a tool I recommend that all businesses use to design customer touchpoints, guide through empathy mapping, and deliver an exceptional customer experience every time.

In today’s episode, you’re going to learn what Customer Journey Mapping is, its benefits, and how it can be used.

Finish this episode, AKA part 2, knowing how to visually see your customer’s journey step-by-step and understand the state of their emotions, knowing how to unveil key moments of truth in the journey and leverage that in your value proposition, and recognizing what processes resonate with your customer most.

I talk about:

  • Understanding the journey the customer is going on
  • What I mean when I say customer
  • The “F” word
  • The biggest benefit according to research by Forrester
  • Creating a persona based on your real clients
  • …And more!

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Now the beauty of journey mapping and why I love it so much is because we can use it for multiple different customers. So when I say the word customer, I mean your internal customer. So that would be your staff, perhaps your vendors, some of your key stakeholders and your external customer, which would be the person doing business with you.” – Crystal D’Cunha
  • “The other part of journey mapping that’s so awesome is that you’re able to highlight these key moments of truth. And so those moments of truth with the experience is fantastic. It’s phenomenal. It’s that wow factor. The moments of the experience where it’s kind of like, so it’s okay. I call it the F word, I call it fine. Nobody just wants to provide you a fine product or service. ” – Crystal D’Cunha
  • “Understanding that journey is non-negotiable in the way we do business today. So this is a tool that you absolutely have to use and in my mind it’s just as important as a budget sheet or as a profit and loss statement allowing you to see the future of the company financially.”- Crystal D’Cunha
  • “The reality, what I want to share with you is that journey wrapping is such a versatile tool. It can be used for anything. If you’re a small business that walks dogs, you can use that journey map to understand your customer better and make sure that you have that loyalty and retention.” – Crystal D’Cunha

Resources Mentioned:

10-Step Framework for Effective Journey Mapping:

Customer Journey Mapping Training:

Apply for the Fascination Workshop (November 14th, 2023): https://gettheinsideview.com/project/fascination-workshop/

Apply for the next cohort of the Leadership Experience Excellence (January 23rd & 30th, 2024): https://gettheinsideview.com/project/lxe/

FREE DOWNLOAD – 60 Days to Customer Experience Success!: https://22243350.hs-sites.com/free-guide-0

FREE DOWNLOAD – 20 Virtual Team Building Activity:

DEI Training: https://gettheinsideview.com/project/diversity-inclusion/

Are you ready to design a dynamic team environment, engineer epic customer experiences, and MAXIMIZE PROFITABILITY & BUSINESS GROWTH? If this sounds like you – Then I’d be delighted to chat! Click the link below to connect! 30-minute calls: https://calendly.com/crystaldcunha/30min

Fascination Advantage: https://www.howtofascinate.com/

Watch the Episode Below: