Have you ever wondered how much a happy employee actually costs your organization?

There are ways to measure employee engagement ROI that go beyond financial security. Although that’s a necessity in today’s day and age, it’s not the #1 thing employees say they need in their work environment. Human behavior is adjusting all the time, which means more shifts will happen, and so we’ve got to get ahead of it.

Leaders, let this be your guide to boost profitability by digging into employee engagement and wellbeing, as well as the effects of employee engagement and company culture to make sure that your employees are happy.

You’ll learn what employees actually need to thrive, why top talent goes beyond skill, and great employee experience examples for regular team building that encourages your team to perform at their peak!

I talk about:

  • Emotional Intelligence and perceived attitudes from leaders
  • The quality of employees over the quantity of employees
  • Creating environments that enhance dopamine
  • Fun and easy employee engagement activities for in-person and virtual environments
  • Employee engagement software to measure happiness, profitability, and performance
  • …And more!

Memorable Quotes:

  • “There’s actually this recent study done by monday.com, and it talked about a few things that were more important than money to employee happiness. And so one of the points was that 54% of employees say that their coworkers and the people they work with are more important than the salary.” – Crystal D’Cunha
  • “Your brand is the experience. That’s what people come for. That’s the expectation people have is if I’m going to purchase from this brand, this is my expectation of their service, but the architect of that experience is your team.” – Crystal D’Cunha
  • “One thing we know for sure is that happy employees outperform other companies. If your employees are happy and satisfied, chances are you’re going to outperform your competition upwards of 20% or more.”- Crystal D’Cunha
  • “When somebody’s not doing well, we’ve got teams where there’s people that are maybe having a lot of anxiety, maybe taking time off for depression, that type of thing. Chances are when you look at, if you backtrack and you start to look at a couple of the business situations or the life situations or circumstances they’re in, often there’s very little opportunities for dopamine.” – Crystal D’Cunha
  • “Pick a theme for a month, pick a theme for a week, whatever timing you work that works for your team. But we did this in elementary school, and this is what brought us joy in elementary. And as adults, this is what brings us joy as well. And so pick a day where maybe you’re doing a sixties theme or maybe you’re doing an eighties theme or whatever works for your group and have fun with it.” – Crystal D’Cunha
  • “I remember a leader saying to me, Crystal, this is kind of like juvenile. Do we really need to do this with our team? And I said, just try it for me. Just try it for me. And so, week one, he was like, okay. And week two, they’re like, oh, what else am I going to compliment? Am I going to compliment their hair and I’m going to compliment this, that, and the other thing? But by week four, it was like I remember him saying to me, okay, I get it. I get it, I get it.” – Crystal D’Cunha

Resources Mentioned:

FREE DOWNLOAD – 20 Virtual Team Building Activity:

Apply for the next cohort of the Leadership Experience Excellence: https://gettheinsideview.com/project/lxe/

Office Vibe Software: https://officevibe.com/

Are you ready to design a dynamic team environment, engineer epic customer experiences, and MAXIMIZE PROFITABILITY & BUSINESS GROWTH? If this sounds like you – Then I’d be delighted to chat! Click the link below to connect! 30-minute calls: https://calendly.com/crystaldcunha/30min

Fascination Advantage: https://www.howtofascinate.com/

FREE DOWNLOAD – 60 Days to Customer Experience Success!: https://22243350.hs-sites.com/free-guide-0

Watch the Episode Below: