We unlock the number one Secret of Exceptional Leaders – When I work with small and medium businesses across the globe – this is the number one area that leaders struggle with in today’s business world.

In this episode of the podcast, we talk about:

  • Having a clear vision, mission, and set of core values
  • Business direction and purpose
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Attract and retain customers and employees

Memorable Quotes:

  • “The reality is that the lack of knowing how to lead is costing EVERYONE!”
  • “Your vision statement is a statement that defines where you want your business to be in the future. It should be inspiring, motivating, and challenging. When you close your eyes and think of what ULTIMATE SUCCESS would look like for your organization… I mean ULTIMATE… That should be a vision that EXCITES you and deeply aligns with your purpose as an individual – an a personal level – When you say it out loud = It really has to feel AHMAZING!!”
  • Having a clear vision, mission, and set of core values gives your business direction and purpose. It helps you and your employees understand what you’re working towards and why. It also helps you make decisions that are aligned with your goals and values.”
  • Having a clear vision, mission, and set of core values can help you stand out from the competition. Being different is better than better! It’s not enough to simply offer a good product or service. You must differentiate yourself from the competition and show why your business is unique and valuable. Practicing and actioning Your vision, mission, and core values can help you communicate what you stand for and why you do what you do.”
  • “Having a clear vision, mission, and set of core values can help you attract and retain customers and employees.”

Watch the Episode Below: