Module 4

Design to Delight

Create your detailed customer persona,
serving as your organizational compass
to design the most ideal experience your
customer desires.

Key Outcomes

Understand the essential stages of the journey mapping process

Insight into possible challenges that come up during your customer Journey

Receive a certificate of course completion

Module Details

Types of Delivery

  • Workbooks
  • Templates
  • PDFs
  • Other resources

Module Format

  • Virtual

Who should attend?

  • Company executives
  • Company directors
  • Sales managers

Module Outline

In this course, you will learn techniques and best practices from world leaders that will make your Design to Delight a part of your daily practice.


Module 1: The Foundation

Introduction to Design to Delight


Module 2: Persona & Journey Design

Designing a detailed customer persona and journey with in-depth questions


Module 3: The Strategy

Inserting powerful VOC/VOE data into your Customer Journey Mapping process


Module 4: Journey Mapping

Insert key moments of truth into the Journey Mapping process


Module 5: Action Outcomes

Words have power: Incorporate the language of love into your design


Module 6: LXE Commitments

Tools to champion change based on your Customer Journey Mapping discoveries

Start Your Journey With Us!

Are you ready to elevate yourself and your business? Get in touch!

Don’t know where to start? Contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average sales success rate?

The average sales success rate is around 3%. This is across all industries. However, average sales success rates can vary from below 1% to over 20%, depending on the product, market, and industry.

What percentage of salespeople fail?

A study by the Management Group reports that 74% of salespeople fail. The study also mentions that of this massive 74% subset of salespeople, the majority (3/4) can be trained to be competent in sales. But the bottom 25% are deemed untrainable.

How does technology affect retail sales?
  • 78% of customers expect a consistent customer experience across retail and digital channels.
  • 86% of buyers say they will pay more for a product if the company offers a great customer experience. Through all channels
I still have questions; whom can I speak with?

We welcome questions; we'd be delighted to connect about your organizational training and development needs and how we can support you! Please use this link to book your complimentary 30 min call with Crystal D'Cunha, our Chief Experience Officer. She works with you to create a specific program for your organization and industry!